Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I had a lovely visit over at Sue's studio yesterday.
While drinking tea and gazing out at the autumnal colours, we had a good laugh about having had 6 months to leisurely get ready for the show.
And isn't it surprising how we've left everything to a panic-stricken 6 week push?
Oh well.
It is time.
I've got to get my head out of the clouds and start working.
And posting less (which will make me want to post more).

Life's funny that way.


Joanne said...

Oh wow! You're doing THE show again! That's awesome!

cserdan said...

Yes!!!! I'm excited. I'm terrified. I just hope I can get it all done in time.

Come to the show!!!!

Joanne said...

I will! I will! I really miss being around creative and beautiful artwork! Have faith in your abilities. You will do a great job! I know you will!